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Denver, Colorado

City of Denver Reduction Goals

  • Denver has a goal for all new buildings and homes to achieve Net Zero Energy by 2030.
  • The Net Zero Energy goal for all EXISTING buildings and homes is 2040.
  • Denver defines “Net Zero Energy (NZE)” as a new building or home that is:
    • Highly Energy Efficient,
    • All-Electric,
    • Powered by Renewable Energy, and
    • Providers of Demand Flexibility for the Grid.
  • 30% improvement in Energy Performance across all covered buildings by 2030 
  • Applies to all building 25,000 ft2 and larger

Benchmarking Requirements

By June 1st each year all buildings in Denver at or over 25,000 square feet are required to annually assess and report their energy performance using the free ENERGY STAR Portfolio Manager tool. The City publishes the building energy performance data at to enable the market to better value energy efficiency.

Building Performance Standards

Owners of buildings 25,000 square feet and larger will demonstrate compliance with the energy performance targets by continuing to submit their annual Energize Denver Benchmarking Report.

The submission reports the building’s annual energy performance (energy use intensity or EUI) and will be used to verify that interim and final energy performance targets are met. Building owners do not need to submit additional documentation to show compliance. 

Building owners will need to monitor their energy performance to ensure they are on track to meet their interim and final energy performance targets and take necessary actions to improve their energy performance. Buildings must be performing at or below their interim target EUIs in each interim target year (i.e., 2024 and 2027) and maintain performance each year until the next target is due. Below is a sample timeline of the compliance process.  

Building Code Evolution

The plan, developed in partnership with the New Buildings Institute, outlines a pathway towards net-zero new buildings and homes, including:

  • Net-zero energy, all-electric new homes in the 2024 Building Code
  • Net-zero energy, all-electric new commercial buildings in the 2027 Building Code
  • New buildings perform as designed (performance validation) in the 2030 Building Code

Links to more information

More state and local policies

Click on any of the images below to learn more about sustainability policies for specific local and state agencies in our Rocky Mountain and Midwest regions.  Each section describes sustainability goals, action plans, and resources offered in these locations.



Ft. Collins

Kansas City

Mid-American Regional Council (MARC)

St. Louis
